Sunday, July 24, 2011

100 Days toward a healthier life - Day 78

Breakfast:  Raw vegetables and some dip
Lunch:  Soup
Dinner:  Nothing yet, but will be more soup, or a chop and salad, not sure

I did not have the whiskey last night, so that is being brought forward to tonight, but only if I can find a DVD around here to watch.

Yesterday I did grocery shopping on the way home from coffee and Kmart.  I intended to put on the slow cooker and have nice, fresh soup when I awoke this morning, but you know how those things go.  Being out and all that walking was just enough to make it too difficult to do much when I got home.  So, I did not do much.  I did slice the big roast that I bought for the soup into thick slices, salted and peppered them and roasted them.  When they cooled, I diced them and put them and the juices from the roasting into the refrigerator because I was done and done.

I had spent the roasting time doing a few things around her in the divesting realm and hit that painful joint wall.  So, the soup did not get started until around 7 this morning.  It was done by lunch and it is great.  Really rich, with more vegetables than meat, exactly the right balance.  I had three bowls.  Yeah, I know, but this stuff is really good.  It is all containerised and in the refrigerator and I sure do hope that I will have some left to take to work on Wednesday.

So, anyway, if doing things, you know, like walking for crying out loud, things that other people take for granted and can do without even thinking about it, stops me in my tracks, then I have to wonder what the hell is wrong with me.  O.K., I know, but it cannot be just the bad joints.  I needed a nap today and refused to take one, because falling asleep during the day, especially a day like today where I did not do anything strenuous, is just insane.  And, not only that, but I had such an intense craving for bread that I almost tossed a batch in the bread machine.  Really, carbs would make me more tired and that is what I absolutely had to have?  Insane.

I resisted both the nap and the bread, but am just about done for the day.  Despite lots of pain meds, everything hurts.  I would take a long hot soak in the tub, but I know that if I manage to get down into it, there is not any way that I will be able to crawl or claw my way out.  So, in a few minutes, more of that groovy soup, a look for something to watch, maybe that whiskey, a nice and long hot shower and off to read some more of my library book.  It has been a slow starter, but I think I might be understanding it a bit more and will likely finish it.

I made the slide-y sheet cake pans for the cupboards today.  The glue worked great and I have some of the stuff out of there.  I will finish dragging it all out tomorrow and get it all squared away and it will be wonderful, easy to use and my canned goods and I will live happily ever after.  I like happy endings.

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