So, anyway I learned some things today and had three experiences.
learned that I am so respected at work that just about anything is
possible, and that is just freaking amazing. The system in which I work
is stressed because of budgetary cuts, which translates to a more
stressful environment. And, yet, I get to create another dimension to
the work I do. Granted, it is not going to cost any money, but I get to
expand further into the community with all kinds of support. I am
thinking about writing for a grant for more technology, so that would be
cool, too, and fun since I have not written for any grants for the past
few years. Another agency wants to partner with me and I am going to
do it. We will begin cross-training in a few weeks or maybe the middle
of October, I still have not decided, what with the trip and the
beginning of school in a few weeks. Anyway, the whole thing just
totally rocks.
Next, I was offered a job with a governmental
agency in the town where I do most of my volunteer work. The offer came
as a result of some of that work. Whilst it would help to remedy part
of my financial dilemma, I turned it down. Philosophical differences,
and that is all I am going to share about that. Very satisfying to feel
so comfortable giving up the money in favor of honoring my ethics. I
am feeling strong as a result of this, especially since things around
here are still so crappy. I will admit that declining left me feeling a
little breathless and wondering if I had, finally, totally and
completely lost my mind. Like, I must be far off in the deep end of
incipient psychosis to even think of refusing such a fine offer. Like,
really. But, I did and it immediately felt, well, it felt just
wonderful and thoroughly right. Who woulda thunk it.
The third
nice thing is that I was invited to be a part of a new program serving
those in the community who are homeless or near to being so. It is
practically brand-spanking-new and it was offered to me less than an
hour after I turned down the paying job, which if I had accepted I would
not have been able to do the new volunteer thing. I mean, talk about
connections and consequences and all that jazz.
My little heart is all pitter-pattery
and if this sequence of events today is not the perfect illustration of
paying attention to my life instead of over-thinking every damn thing
and rushing to the appearance of financial improvement because I am so
worried about fixing the van's brakes, instead of being available to do
some truly kick-ass and important work, well, I do not know what is.
Totally, freaking, amazing day. Man.
There is some kind of idea in my head about where I want to go in the
next several months, life-wise, but it is still percolating and I am
going to let it be until it settles into something. I can do that.
Love you, Baby...glad you had such a day when others also realised your value ...looking forward to hearing more about these news paths and your plans.