Lunch: Big Mac, you guessed it...McDonald's
Dinner: Sushi, red velvet apricots, blueberries, root beer
It was a very long day. Three nights of not enough sleep, although there was nothing I could do about any of it. Early commitments, late nights, all culminating in yesterday, spending the day with a friend who had minor surgery. You know, sometimes you just do what you have to do, and that is what I did. She lives an hour or so away and whilst I took apples, whole grain crackers (not homemade) and raw almonds with me to serve as breakfast, I have to say that by the time I had driven twenty minutes and was about to enter the interstate, that McDonald's, incandescent and beckoning in the misty dawn was more than I could resist.
Well, I could have resisted, but I did not. Got me a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit and a quart of diet cola (only for the caffeine, of course
I was there to watch her small children and when her husband showed up at lunchtime with more take-out, I ate my sandwich like a big girl, but I did not have cola or fries. They looked really good, though. Dinnertime found me on my way home, and starving. Those quick, drive-through foods are nice and all, they taste fine and fill you up, but they do not have any staying power. For me there is too much refined carbs, lovely though they may be, but just do not work for me. So, I stopped at a nice grocery, kind of a high-end one that I use to treat myself, and that is exactly what I did. I bought freshly made sushi, some of those amazing apricots, peaches, blueberries, tomatoes, peas and some diet soft drinks. I ate in the car and then drove home.
So, I kind of redeemed my good intentions at the end of the day. I do worry about taking the easy way and going back to my drive-through glory days. It was so easy to justify doing it yesterday. It would be easy to do the same just about any other day when I am not eating all of my meals at home or am rushing around doing errands or from job to job. I have to prepare better and stick to eating the foods that I haul around with me. But, man, those apricots were delicious, practically drip down your arm juicy and just sweet enough, the way that apricots rarely are.
I got home at 8:00, checked in on the computer, intending to make this confession last night, but could hardly stay awake, partly because of the carbs. Slept more than nine hours and am just now feeling awake and ready to get going. To be honest, I would have slept longer, but I had the beginnings of a headache and know that more sleep would not be all that helpful. My plans are eggs for breakfast, taking a salad of lots of greens, vegetables and some left-over deli roast beef for lunch at the gallery and then meeting a friend for dinner at that Japanese place.
Well, we will see, I guess. I am seeing and feeling some small changes in my body. Encouraging. Last night I felt like weighing myself, but that would likely set me back on my old dependence on what the scale shows for the whole self-esteem thing, so I am going to continue to resist doing that.
I am off to make my eggs and get going here. A new brochure from the travel place came yesterday. I have already seen two day trips that look interesting. My fast and junk food money is being spent on these trips. Good for my health, body related, and for keeping my brain juiced up and keeping my body moving, with all that walking.
Gods, I really want to go back to bed. Lordy. No GP.
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